

When you travel Europe by train you'll discover that it's a fascinating continent, that offers the chance to explore many different cultures, and wonderful scenery. All of this is well-connected by rail. No matter what you explore, from golden beaches to snow covered mountains, the train is your best friend. Find out where you can go and why exploring Europe by train is an unforgettable experience!

Railway companies

Dutch train in spring | Eurail Four Country Select Pass

Here you can find a list of all European railway companies included in the Eurail Pass.

Train Stations

Train station of Antwerp

Let us tell you everything you need to know getting around the train station in Europe.

1st and 2nd class

Differences between 1st & 2nd class | The mood comparison

Wondering what the difference is between 1st and 2nd class? We explain it all here!

Airport Connections

Airplane at Airport at Sunset

We'll show you how to get from Europe's most important airports to the city center. 

Eurail Aid Offices

Friends looking at a map

Find out where to get help with your Eurail Pass when you're in Europe.

Want more train travel tips?

Our Eurail Travelers Facebook Group is the best place to get train tips, travel inspiration and more from the people who know best – Eurailers just like you!


happy travelers