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Why Eurail is your greenest choice


What’s not to love about traveling? It broadens your horizons, connects you with people from all over the world and can leave you in a state of awe. But if you travel by train when possible, you'll also be helping to save the environment - because train travel is as green as it gets!


Environmental impact

There is a clear downside to exploring the Earth’s treasures. The environmental impact of the travel industry is significant. In the US alone, an estimated 30% of greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to transportation. 


But you have a choice...!


Sustainable travel

Aside from walking or biking, taking the train is the most environmentally friendly way of traveling. In fact, compared to cars and airplanes, trains emit between 66 and 75 percent less carbon. In terms of energy consumption, use of space, and noise levels, trains are far more sustainable too.




When you're planning a trip through Europe, rest assured that traveling with a Eurail Pass is your greenest option. The CO2 emissions of an average Eurail trip are about 3 times less per person than traveling the same route by car - and 4 times less than traveling by plane. 




Want to see for yourself? The EcoPassenger website helps you to calculate the environmental impact of your journey through Europe. You can compare the emissions and energy consumption of planes, cars and passenger trains.

Go green with a Eurail Pass


Not sure which Eurail Pass meets your travel desires?
Not to worry - our Trip Planner can help you to find the perfect Pass for your trip!

Get inspired


Europe is more than just iconic cities. In fact, Europe’s natural beauty knows no bounds! Visit our blog to see the best destinations in Europe for nature lovers and plenty of other tips for sustainable travel.