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Get started with your trips and travelers

1. Create a new trip


Start by creating a new trip. Choose a name for your trip, then you can start adding all the travelers you want to book seat reservations for.

2. Add travelers


Add a traveler with a mobile Pass by entering their last name and Pass number, or add a traveler with a paper Pass by entering some details printed on the Pass.

3. Start booking seat reservations


Once you have added all the travelers you would like to book seats for, continue to our reservations tool to start booking your seat reservations.

Continue to trips and travelers to get started

Create a trip, add your travelers, and start booking reservations

Need help with your trips and travelers?

I bought my Pass from or

Log in and you should see your trips and travelers from your order already in your account.
 You can add more travelers from other orders to your trip if you would like to book seat reservations together.


To add a traveler with a mobile Pass, all you need is the traveler's last name and Pass number, which you can find in the order confirmation email or on the mobile Pass in the app.


To add a traveler with a paper Pass, you'll need to enter the traveler's details, including some information printed on their Pass.

If you bought your Pass from, log into your Interrail account here.

I bought my Pass somewhere else

Do you have a Eurail account?
Some of our partners create a Eurail account for you when you buy your Pass.


If you think you already have an Eurail account, try logging in. You might need to reset your password if you weren't asked to create one when you bought your Pass.


You should then see your trips and travelers from your order already in your account. You can add more travelers from other orders to your trip if you would like to book seat reservations together. Once you have added all your travelers to your trip, you're ready to start booking reservations.



Not sure if you have an account? Try creating a new account using the same email address you used to buy your Pass. If your email address is already registered, you can reset your password to access your account.



If you don't have a Eurail account, first create an account, then go to your trips and travelers


Create a new trip and give it a name, then add travelers to your trip using the edit menu or by selecting the trip and choosing  'Add a traveler'. You can add travelers this way even if you didn't order your Passes together. 


To add a traveler with a mobile Pass, all you need is the traveler's last name and Pass number, which you can find in the order confirmation email or on the mobile Pass in the app.


To add a traveler with a paper Pass, you'll need to enter the traveler's details, including some information printed on their Pass.


Once you have added all your travelers to your trip, you're ready to start booking reservations.